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LED Flood Lights

LED Flood Lights


LED Flood lights- energy efficient lighting

LED Flood Lights

Emerald Planet Torrent


LED Flood Lights

Primsal Darkstar

Energy efficient lighting

LED Flood Lights

Emerald Planet Modular

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LED Flood Lights


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LED Flood Lights


Sonaray FL3100.jpg

LED Flood Lights are ideal for parking lots, sporting grounds, building and shop signage, security lighting, facade lighting, and more.


Our LED Flood Lights are high quality, weather and water-proof flood lights with a long lifespan that eliminates the need to replace flood light bulbs.


Replacing your flood light bulbs with LED Flood Lights cuts your energy costs and saves the environment at the same time.

Our LED Products include high quality and reliable key components. This means they are market-leading in terms of energy efficiency, performance, and reliability and have the lowest failure rates in the market.

If you don’t see a product within in our range that will suit your business, get in touch and we will do our best to help.


We have replaced conventional lighting with our LED products at many businesses including offices, car dealerships, retail, education, warehouses, health and fitness, manufacturing, and food industry.


If you are interested in significantly reducing lighting's energy usage and would like to improve the environment for your staff and clients, contact us for a free energy assessment.

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