Preston Toyota
Car Dealership
Yearly Savings:
5-Year Savings:
Previous Yearly Energy Costs:
New Yearly Energy Costs:
Energy Reduction Percentage:
Government Rebate Tier
80% - Covers the majority of the costs to upgrade
Business Summary
Preston Toyota operates a used a new car sales dealership, alongside a servicing and repairs division. The showroom is modern and well presented, supported by friendly and professional staff. The dealership itself offers many options for prospective car buyers and is the perfect place to find the latest model Toyota vehicles.
Upgrade Summary
Victorian Power Savers was engaged to design a lighting upgrade that would reduce the financial impact of high energy costs and increase the light levels for the mechanics and sales staff. Through the use of our computer aided design software, an upgrade was developed, featuring the 155w Philips Green Perform LED highbay and the 10.5w Philips LED tube. The lighting was upgraded by our team of qualified electricians and then audited by our designers. The lighting audit discovered that the light output had risen to compliant levels, measuring in at 404 lux, where the overall energy consumption had been reduced by 72%. The upgrade was welcomed by the mechanics and sales staff and has proven to be a great success.
Light Types & Improvements
Old Light Model
Old Light Quantity
Old Light Level
New Light Model
New Light Quantity
New Light Level
400w Metal Halide Highbay
36w Fluorescent Tubes
244 lux
237 lux
155w Philips Green Perform LED Highbay
10.5w Philips LED Tube
404 lux
389 lux