Essendon Nissan
Car Dealership
Yearly Savings:
5-Year Savings:
Previous Yearly Energy Costs:
New Yearly Energy Costs:
Energy Reduction Percentage:
Government Rebate Tier
100% - Covers all the costs to upgrade
Business Summary
The Essendon Nissan dealership is a part of the dealership hub in Essendon Fields. Within the dealership you will be greeted by polite and professional staff who will guide you through the diverse range of Nissan vehicles.
Upgrade Summary
The Essendon Nissan workshop required the installation of a new compliant LED lighting system. The team at Victorian Power Savers was consulted to design and install a system in alignment with the AS 1680 lighting standard and the building design brief. Our lighting design identified that in order to best suit all specifications, the product of choice was the 120w Primsal Titan LED Highbay. Once our team of qualified electricians installed the new lighting, the subsequent lighting audit identified an increase in light levels by 60% and a reduction in energy consumption by 72%. This installation was eligible for the Tier 1 - 100% rebate, which means that the entire cost of the upgrade was covered by the government rebates.
Light Types & Improvements
Old Light Model
Old Light Quantity
Old Light Level
New Light Model
New Light Quantity
New Light Level
400w Metal Halide Highbay
246 lux
120w Primsal Titan LED Highbay
393 lux