Airport Toyota
Car Dealership
Yearly Savings:
5-Year Savings:
Previous Yearly Energy Costs:
New Yearly Energy Costs:
Energy Reduction Percentage:
Government Rebate Tier
100% - Covers all costs of upgrade
Business Summary
Airport Toyota is part of the illustrious Essendon Fields car dealership group. The business has been supplying and servicing Toyota vehicles since 2005 and has built a reputation of quality and professionalism.
Upgrade Summary
Airport Toyota consulted our experts at Victorian Power Savers, to help design and install a new efficient lighting system that would meet the stringent standards of the Essendon Fields dealerships. Our lighting designers utilised the latest compliant lighting design software to accurately simulate the proposed lighting system. Further to our commitment to excellence, our team conducted LED Highbay trials to ensure that the real time lighting characteristics were in alignment with our computer aided design. It was decided that the best suited fitting would be the 120w Primsal LED highbay. The final result saw the average lux across the working plane exceed the requirements in the design brief by 20 lux, all while reducing the energy demand by an amazing 72%.

Light Types & Improvements
Old Light Model
Old Light Quantity
Old Light Level
New Light Model
New Light Quantity
New Light Level
400W Metal Halide Highbay
250 lux
120W Primsal Titan LED Highbay